Craft Your Irresistible Story

Craft Your Irresistible Story

Ever felt like your tongue was stuck to the roof of your mouth when asked what you do?

Where to start…how to explain? What do you say?

Your mind is a whirlpool of thoughts as you feverishly grope for the magic words that will make it so intriguing people can’t wait to find out more.

And to your horror, all you  come up with in those crucial moments is a dark heavy blankness.

See the problem?


If you’re an entrepreneur seeking to shape your message and image in the mind of your clients, it can be frustrating, sometimes downright painful.

The good news is there’s a surprisingly simple solution that can dramatically change the way you deal with this confusion –

You tell a story.

You see, you have the most powerful device known to man: You.

Your life experience, your story, your message.

A story that is personal carries a universal message. Your story, allows others to see, feel, and experience another world – your world. In it, they find themselves.

Stories are mesmerizing.

They are how humans have passed on wisdom, knowledge and culture for as long as we’ve been around.

Think back to some of your earlier memories from school, and it’s likely that the lessons you actually remember were based in stories.

Think of all the years of generations who have passed on their values from generation to generations and they would stay intact, and you will realize that there’s something kind of magical about a story structure.

When all parts of the story are assembled it can be ingested and then recalled by the person who is receiving it. The appeal of the different aspects of a story coming together as one creates a message that’s easy to digest, remember, and retell.


Your story is powerless if it stays inside of you. If you never pull that story out and share it with the world, it will serve no one.

So, if you want to make your business and your marketing more memorable, then your marketing needs to tell a story.

Stories are one of the best ways to connect with customers and encourage them to take action.

In business, we often focus on objective data, facts and figures, product features, charts, technology and engagement through social media. However, storytelling reaches people on an emotional level. Stories communicate to the listener exactly what you do and what you stand for.

Start crafting your compelling stories, both about yourself and your business.

Most Common Storytelling Mistakes and What to Do About Them

  1. Making up a story or embellishing. Tell the truth – it is stranger than fiction.
  2. Telling an oft-told tale or stock story. Relate something unique about how you came to where you are
  3. Boring your listener with stories that are overly long or too fact-filled. Embrace your vulnerability and have a heart-to-heart talk
  4. Packing in too much information. Include only the essentials…and it doesn’t have to be in chronological order
  5. Hiding failures in an attempt to appear successful. Hey, our failures are often the juiciest parts of a good story

So, what’s your story?

Feel like a Tightrope Walker?

Feel like a Tightrope Walker?

My kids never tire of me telling them they have a Billionaire Mom: each of them is so precious to me and worth infinitely more than a billion dollars. Which is why I chose to work from home and schedule my day around my family. For me, no longer having a boss breathing down my neck or second-guessing my decision to stay home with a sick child is what allows me to be the mom I want to be for my kids. And yet life is a lot more hectic than ever before.

The problem is this:

I’ll just take a few minutes to throw in a load of laundry.

How long will it take if I just peel and cut the veggies for a soup?

Hey! I forgot to eat lunch.

The grocery order. The doctor’s appointment. The “urgent” phone call.

There’s no better way to derail my thoughts and workflow than constantly interrupting myself during the time I’m trying to work. But let’s face it, it’s no small feat to carve out a life that balances all of a family’s many needs and responsibilities. When you have lots of flexibility in your schedule, it’s easy for that balance to be thrown off.

Moms are excellent at multitasking and can balance many different roles and priorities. The way I see it, the business of being a mom, provides excellent training for running a business, actually. In fact, I view my role of an entrepreneur as one of the facets of being a Mom—it’s one more role I play amongst the many.

I don’t have to tell you how it’s all too easy to get distracted by the million little details of keeping a home running—from the moment I open my eyes in the morning until I finally call it a night. For me, creating the right balance between business life and family life is one of the biggest struggles of working from home.

In today’s article I want to share some tips on how you can create more balance. Oftentimes when we’re feeling like a tightrope walker ideas won’t flow. So if right now you’re feeling like you need to take a break from tightrope walking, keep reading to learn how I create some more balance and you can too.

If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you sometimes feel like Terrifico the Terrified Tightrope Walker in the Circus of Life, working without a net while the crowd below holds their breath in anticipation of a slip, you’re not alone. These days almost all of us have so many demands placed on our time and energy, life can feel like a three-ring circus. And if you’re not up there on the tightrope, you’re down on the ground in the midst of tigers and lions, in charge of keeping a couple of dozen plates spinning in air.

Maintaining balance isn’t easy. It requires holding steady with the many responsibilities that are a normal and everyday part of life: home, family, friends and work, while at the same time recognizing and fulfilling personal needs and wants. Finding and maintaining balance when life can be so complicated and demanding is both an inside and outside job.

Inside—Only you can take care of yourself.

Consider how well you take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Do you eat healthfully and exercise regularly? Do you get check-ups and take preventative precautions? Do you set aside personal, quiet time for yourself? Do you make time to enjoy nature and art, filling yourself up again and again?

Outside—Reaching outside yourself gives meaning.

Think about how you reach outside yourself for sharing and giving meaning to your life. Do you spend quality time with family and friends? Do you give back to life through your time, energy and experience? Contributing to the larger world provides connection and purpose.

Renewal—The key to a rich and fulfilling life.

Living a life in balance means taking the necessary time to renew yourself. Renewal is not about searching for a mindless, purposeless escape. Rather it’s about building or renewing relationships with family and friends, recommitting to core values and restoring energy through rest and recreation.

When we’re pressed up against the urgent demands of daily life, it is normal to feel ourselves losing our edge, our energy and even perspective in every area of life. It’s like reading a run-on sentence that goes on and on forever.

Personal leadership is cultivating the wisdom to recognize our need for renewal. We renew the balance of the multi-dimensional roles we play, the impact of goals in our lives, our commitment to living for a higher purpose. And it empowers us to connect the dots between our responsibilities and create synergy.

Integrated Renewal takes that to the next level.

Whereas renewal by itself could mean devoting 30 minutes a day for exercising and 30 minutes a day for spending time with your teenage son, integrated renewal is combining the two and increasing the value of each of these activities.

When you do that, you look at all your different roles, goals and responsibilities as a whole, and that creates unity. Rather than feeling fragmented – the different slices of our lives conflicting for our limited time and energy – you feel intact. You shift from “either/or” thinking and view it all through the lens of “and.”

This creates inner peace, balance, richness – a mindset of abundance. Time may be a limited resource, but you aren’t. The more balance you create among the many responsibilities of daily life, the more of you there is to put into the time you have.

Try it, you might like it

To discover how well balanced your life is, keep a log of how you spend your time. In a little notebook you can carry with you, write down the hours you spend under the broad headings: “for me” and “for others.” Also make notes of requests for your time (from family members, from coworkers or professional obligations). Include “requests” from your physical and emotional self: “I wish I could take time to take a walk today.” Or “Gee, I’d love to take a nap.”

After a week or two, you can expect to have some pretty clear messages on where there is balance in your life and where there is not. You might also come to see what’s important to you and how you can make changes in your life that will create a life of health, well-being and joy—a balanced life.

My favorite renewal activity is organizing my weekly schedule. First, I simply jot down everything I’d like to achieve during the week. Then, I look at what I might combine. I don’t do this so that I can cram more activities in my schedule, but so that I can integrate the different parts of my life. So for instance, if I’d like to tune my voice before a speaking engagement, I’ll combine it with family time, gather my children around and have a singing session. They love it!

What aspects of your different roles can you combine? The possibilities are endless.


Standing Out as Outstanding

Standing Out as Outstanding

Face it…it’s a “noisy” world out there.

The average U.S. adult gets exposed to 2,000 marketing messages a day. Hundreds of consultants, coaches, healers, holistic practitioners, and workshop leaders, vie for their prospective clients. Emails crowd our inboxes. Information from the Internet, social media and printed media saturates our lives.

Your success depends on whether you quickly capture your audience’s interest.

And that means quick!

As in 5 minutes or less.

This is true whether you are: promoting a campaign or cause, pitching a book, talking to potential clients, creating a website, launching a new product or other endeavors.

Make it Memorable and Magnetic

It’s not just about getting heard through all the noise. It’s about being remembered. It’s about attracting clients who resonate with you.

The best way to do that is to tell your story—on the page or on the stage—that are at once personal, purposeful and pithy.

These may seem obvious, but many people have great difficulty articulating why they do what they do, or the purpose of their product or services. And they drone on for far too long with words that are lifeless, bland and like everything else you’ve ever heard.

Imagine how having the ability to build immediate intimacy and trust could affect your business for the better…

Creating the Know-Like-Trust Factor

The age of transaction is coming to an end. There’s the new emerging paradigm of business. Even big brands like Starbucks see the power of developing The Know-Like-Trust Factor with your clients. In fact, millions of people see Starbucks like a friend they visit to start their day. Their coffee may not be the best in the world but it tastes good enough because of the feeling of the entire experience it evokes. It is all about relationship.

Catapult your business relational success by crafting a personal story that no one will forget. Your personal story will help you stand out of the crowd with complete confidence and engage warmly with your ideal clients.

When you share your story, you engage intimately with others and you become a MAGNET for people’s attention and loyalty. Human beings have told each other stories for millennia, we’re hard-wired to respond to them. Craft yours in a way that is succinct, magnetic and memorable.

Your story will help your potential clients to get to know you, like you, and then trust you so they can feel comfortable investing in your services.

Is My Story that Important?

If you’re tired of feeling lost in the crowd and you’re really ready to go to the next level, telling your story will give you the competitive advantage that you’re seeking.

If you want to provide the highest level of service that you have available and be handsomely compensated for your work, then share you story, connect with your potential clients, let them know who you are, what you do and why they should care.

Your ultimate position of power is YOU: your unique voice, your originality, your story.

You’ve spent a lifetime mastering your story, now it’s time to master telling it.

To borrow a pithy phrase that has made millions…Just do it!

QUESTION: Do you already use your personal story in your business? Please share your best storytelling strategies in the comment section below.